June 18, 2014

audiobooks for long commutes

Since my commute is so long (30-40 min each way), and because as a working mom I have precious little time for reading books but love learning, listening to audiobooks seems the best way to get in some more reading time.

Total number of books I've listened to so far? 0. Until now.

A few days ago I started listening to the audiobook version of The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief by Francis S. Collins. Our pastor cited it a couple months ago, and stated that there is room in some people’s worldview for both creation and evolution. I had intended to read it since then, since I’d like to learn more about the integration of faith and modern scientific discoveries about the universe -- particularly from the perspective of a former atheist.

The book is fascinating. It makes me want to delve deeper into science. I remembered recently that, despite the fact that I'd been kicked out of high school no fewer than three times for lack of attendance and my senior year was defined by an extra-heavy load of day and night classes in order to graduate with my class, astronomy was actually my favorite subject. It was my only B in an ocean of Cs and Ds.

This morning, as I was listening to the fourth chapter which deals with quantum physics, I was reminded of one truth about myself: I have never felt so alive as when I am learning. Case in point: several years ago I attended a six-week lecture course on basic human anatomy and disease at the local natural history museum -- a fun course designed for high school and college students (or anyone else) who wanted a brief overview before making a decision about medical school. Why? Three reasons: I was curious, it was free, and I had time on my hands. I also love being around smart people and gleaning insight from their knowledge.

Sometimes I wish I'd pursued a science career (not med school though -- I like research more than taking care of others). Why pursue such knowledge now? I don't know. No reason not to. I think I will get old when I decide there is nothing worth learning about anymore.

Maybe there’s a good reason I currently work for an aerospace company?