June 2, 2011

Pregnant Coworkers

I now have two coworkers sitting within 30 feet of me that are visibly pregnant. One of them, I'm very happy for since she had three miscarriages before this around the same time that I had my two. She's seven months along now and I catch myself staring at her big, round belly. I don't feel like crying or anything - in fact, I'm pretty flat emotionally. But I need to not do that. I'm going to embarrass myself one of these days, not to mention her.

I still don't know what's going to happen this year and I feel like I'm in a waiting room. I have been here for months now, and don't know how much longer. But wait I must. Patience I must have. I guess I'm waiting on the Lord. Letting Him work on my heart while I'm waiting for my circumstances to resolve, because eventually they will. Sometime this year.

In the meantime, I could seriously use a few rollercoaster rides. Elitch's is in my (near) future.