January 11, 2013

baby finger food faves and a moment of gratitude

In a fit of desperation, I continually troll the Internet in search of decent finger foods to please my child who has decided that the texture of most baby foods is wretched (unless they're fruity). And so, just in case anyone else on the planet is wondering what in the world to feed their not-quite-ready-for-real-solids baby, here's a list of finger foods my precious baby actually enjoys (in no particular order):

  1. banana (right off the whole, or in chunks)
  2. pear (finger-sized slices)
  3. strawberry
  4. melon
  5. dried seaweed (whole sheet, which is about 2x3", or torn in chunks which is tidier)
  6. sandwiches stuffed with soft cheese or cream cheese (sadly, not hummus), cut into small squares without the crust (soft whole wheat bread)
  7. chicken and beef (small chunks)
  8. cheese (shredded or small pieces)
  9. bread
  10. blueberries (frozen, thawed - they're softer than fresh)
  11. baby crackers
  12. rice
  13. o-shaped cereal
  14. carrot
  15. meatballs! (I don't know why, but this is exciting to me)
What's missing from this list? Vegetables, with the exception of seaweed and carrot. Not only have my few attempts not been successful, I have a hard time buying them and then keeping them fresh long enough to steam the living daylights out of them before giving them to my son. I have thrown away my share of veggies. Sigh. I know, I must try harder. But at least I can blend pureed veggies with yogurt - he'll eat that all day long. He will eat the fruit/veggie blended baby food in pouches, though (even straight from the pouch, which is fun in itself). So it's not a total loss.

On another note, I thought I'd share a tender moment of gratitude:
This morning I held my son while he took his morning bottle. I stroked his soft forehead and touched his tiny feet. I smiled at him, and he at me, fully embracing the moment of peace, knowing how short this time is while he's still a baby and I can hold him while he takes a bottle. Beauty is in the everyday.